1. What is your EQ?
My EQ is, "How can a caretaker best ensure the proper development of a child under the age of five?"
2. What is your first answer?
One of the best ways to educate a child is by using visual and verbal communication.
3. What is your second answer?
Nurture and understand the child to ensure they're receiving the best possible guidance.
4. List three reasons your answer is true with a real-world application for each.
• The toddler ages(2-5) is when it is imperative for them to receive the most attention and care.
• Don't just meet the child's needs when they're missing something. Provide them with different opportunities for learning.
• Help them reach their milestones by providing the resources necessary. Get on their level so they don't feel alone and give them guidance.
5. What printed source best supports your answer?
• This article: Planning for Positive Guidance: Powerful Interactions Make a Difference
6. What other source support your answer?
There are many sources from research check that have helped me come to this answer, then there's also some influence from my Interview 3.
7. Tie this together with a concluding thought.
My second answer, Nurture and understand the child to ensure they're receiving the best possible guidance, was influenced from my interview, research, and experience. Toddlers need guidance but also need to be allowed the freedom to explore for themselves. There isn't always a right or wrong way on how to do certain things, but the best things a caretaker can do to help with their development will be answered in the final presentation.
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